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Advent of Code (2020) Fri 1 Jan, 2021

In early December I discovered, and decided to take part in, Advent of Code. I was surprised that I'd never heard of it before, but after seeing folks I follow on Twitter talk about it, I was spurred into having a go. It's not like I've got much else going on atm. In the end, it turned into a little mini-obsession for a period of time. That certainly wasn't the healthiest approach, but I quite enjoyed having something to focus on, and the challenge it offered. Here are some retro-like reflections of the things I liked, didn't like, and would try differently next time around. Of course, it goes without saying that these are my personal musings, observations, and preferences. No value judgements are cast on the event, the creator, other participants, or indeed you, dear reader.




Overall, I'm certainly glad I encountered Advent Of Code, and I'm anticipating trying my hand at past editions, as well as future ones. And on a final note, I cannot imagine the amount of time and effort that goes into devising all the challenges, and running the whole thing without a glitch. Major props to Eric (and team?) for making something so many folks take part in and so greatly enjoy.